Tuesday, December 31, 2019

20 Ways To Make 2020 Your Best Year!

2020 Resolutions

Happy New Year's Eve Friends! I can't believe it is already here! This year literally flew by way too fast and it makes me sad because my kids are growing up way too quickly.

This year started off great, I remember being so excited and ready to dive right into 2019. Then the summer came and everything slowed down. I just wanted to spend the summer with the family and enjoy all the quality time that I could. It really was an amazing summer but then when fall came, things quickly took a turn.

I had a really hard time with Carter starting school. I literally cried my eyes out every single day for the first week. It was really hard not having him around all day with me. I started to fall back into a heavy depression and really didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to get out of bed but I had to get up with Kennedy. Most days I just layed around being depressed and sad. The last few months have been really hard to say the least. Some really unexpected and disappointing things happened and it has definitely been taking a toll on me.

I spent the last month of 2019 being pretty down and depressed and I really don't want to go into a new year feeling like this. I decided to sit down and really reflect on what is important to me and what I want next year to look like! I wanted to come up with a a list of "20 Ways To Make 2020 Your Best Year" and to help me get started! I think this list is really great and can really help others have an amazing year too!

20 Ways To Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet!

1. Spend More Time With Family: This is the most important one for me. Sometimes when you're depressed it's really hard to get motivated to do anything but with how quickly times flies, it is so important to me that I really focus on my family and spend more quality time with them. Not just sitting around watching a movie (which we definitely love doing) but playing together more, building forts, family game nights, just special quality time together.

2. Save More Money And Pay Off Debt: I'm going to do a whole post on this because there is SO much to it that I want to get into and try and help other people with. Debt is such a horrible thing and credit cards are seriously the devil! Lots of people think it's fine to use credit to pay for groceries or to get by when something comes up but it's such an easy way to really screw yourself! We are working hard to get rid of our credit card and to start saving more money.

3. Stop Meaningless Spending: This ties in with number 2. I sat down and took a look at my bank statement and was blown away by all of the random and meaningless crap I bought. It was crazy! Did I really need 5 Starbucks a week?! NO! Somethings may seem they aren't that expensive but it really started to add up! I started making more tea and coffee at home and I have really been enjoying it!

4. Eat Healthier: I really need to start writing down what I eat in a day because it all really starts to add up and it's just meaningless calories! Back to my previous goal, having 5 or more Starbucks a week is definitely not good for me. The amount of calories that I was just drinking alone is so scary! No to mention the cost! I really want to focus more on eating a healthy breakfast to start the day and eating more fruits and vegetables and healthy meals.

5. Drink More Water: This is another one that I am not really great with. I definitely do not drink enough water and it is SO amazing for your body! If I don't drink enoghwater my face breaks out with horrible rosacea all over my cheeks and it gets so sore and blistered. I also get really, really dry skin and horrible headaches. Honestly, this is just from not drinking enough water. If I drink more water, these things go away and it is such an easy thing to do! I find I just have a problem remembering to do it so I asked for a Starbucks tumbler for Christmas and I keep it filled beside me all day. It has seriously helped so much, not to mention it is really pretty! You can also cut up some fruit, mint, or cucumbers and it makes your water taste delicious!

6. Get Organized: I find I get off track really easily if I don't make lists and write things down. I bought a new day planner for 2020 and I am going to keep things organized and written down to help remind me of the things I need to do. I also really love writing down my goals for each year and going through it at the end of the year to see if I reached it or where I went wrong.

7. Stop Holding Back: There are so many things that I want to do but always talk myself out of them. I start worrying that there is no point or why bother and it's just holding me back from something that could be amazing!  So many times we worry about what other people will think or say but really, who cares?!

8. Stay Committed And Motivated: I am so guilty of not doing this... There are so many times I start something and then just stop doing it or working at it. Now I'm not saying that if you try something and end up hating it that you should keep doing it.  Don't keep at it just making yourself miserable if you truly don't enjoy it. Even my blog for example, I absolutely love writing and sharing what's on my mind with you guys but there are many times where I just let it go for a bit and then come back to it. I really want to stop doing that and stay committed to these things. I also just bought a Cricut and I definitely don't want to use it a couple times and then let it collect dust. I'm going to try really hard to keep at these and make them work! Stay committed and motivated!

9. Control Anger: This is a really hard one for me. I have a really bad temper and get really angry when people do me wrong. I tend to really hold on to things and it's only hurting me in the end. I just end up stressing about it and it takes over everything.

10. Read More Books: I started reading quite a bit in the summer and kept at it until the holidays rolled around. I definitely want to continue this into the new year. The library has become one of my favourite places and it's FREE!!!

20 Ways To Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet!

11. Better Yourself: There is always room for improvement. I really want to make more time to work on myself. Wether that's from seeing a therapist for help with anxiety and depression or doing more yoga and meditation, it is extremely important to focus on bettering myself. Mental health is extremely important. Struggling with depression is so hard and I really don't want it to affect my family and loved ones so it's really important that I work towards it.

12. Learn A New Language Or Skill: I am fluent in French but I do forget quite  a few words and I can also speak and understand some Spanish. I really want to perfect both of these languages. It's important to keep learning and to keep your brain working.

I also want to become a better cook. I have always loved baking but I have always HATED cooking, and I really mean HATE! The last year, I have really started cooking more and I actually really enjoy it now! I have found it really helps me when I'm really down and depressed too. It gives me some time to take my mind off of things and to focus on something else. I really want to learn some new recipes and get creative in the kitchen! I think it would be so much fun to take a cooking class!

13. Start A Side Job: There are so many ways to make supplemental income these days and I really want to start working at some of them. I'm really hoping to open an Etsy shop and I want to continue monetizing my blog and Instagram. I have been wanting to start doing YouTube for awhile now so I'm really going to work at getting that going too.

14. Plan More Adventures: I really love going on walks and going to parks or just getting out and enjoying nature! You also don't have to spend anything to go for a hike and it can be really relaxing or an amazing workout!

15.  Work On Relationships: This one is so important and I really need to make sure to keep at this.
Life tends to get so busy and we start to take our relationships and friendships for granted! I really want to start seeing my friends more often and I also want to work on my relationship with my love. Even just having little coffee dates together once and awhile or maybe joining a class together like the cooking class or a dance class. These things can add up pretty quickly too so maybe having tea/coffee dates at home or cooking a meal together with your significant other and just focusing on quality time together. It's also really important to communicate more and to listen to how the other person is feeling or what they might be stressed out about.

16. Declutter: I find clutter and mess so stressful and it really gets to me. Our home has become so chaotic and is just filled of so many random things that we don't need or don't even use. I have been starting to declutter and plan on getting rid of a lot of things.

17. Be More Active: I am so embarrassed to even tell you this... I weight two pounds less than I did when I went into labour with Kennedy! That is so crazy to me! I have really let things go the last couple of years and do not look after my health whatsoever. I do not eat properly and I never exercise anymore. The worst part is that I have a gym downstairs in our basement just full of equipment including a treadmill and elliptical but I NEVER use them anymore! I really need to start getting back into this. We only have one life and one body so we really need to make sure to take care of our health.

Check out a previous post I did for Motivational Tips To Help Loose That Baby Weight

18. Start A Journal: I used to be so obsessed with journaling when I was younger. I had so many diaries growing up and I wish that I had kept them to look back on. I also want to start writing down things that I am grateful for. I think that will really help with times that I am feeling down and remind me of the things I am thankful for.

19. Skincare: I really want to start taking better care of my skin. I'm getting older and wrinkles are definitely inevitable but prevention is key. Hopefully if I take better care of my skin it will slow those wrinkles down lol!

20. Vision Board Notebook: One of my girlfriends starting doing vision board notebooks and I thought it was so genius! Instead of a board with a bunch of random photos, she got a notebook and made sections like health, dream home, and travel. Basically it's Pinterest in a notebook but she also writes down things like her goals and such. I think that's so much better than a vision board and I love writing lists!

I really hope you enjoyed 20 Ways To Make 2020 Your Best Year. What are some of your goals/intentios for 2020?! Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear them!

I hope you have an amazing New Year's Eve and remember to please do not drink and drive!

Happy New Year!!!

New Years Resolutions

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